Health & Safety Policy


Copies of this statement are available to all employees. It is revised from time to time to reflect changes in legislation and in circumstances.


The primary purposes of this statement are:
To make its readers aware that the health and safety of all who come into contact with Inline Filters is of paramount concern.
To provide a permanent resource showing what action is taken and can be taken to promote the safety and good health of all, be they employees, customers, suppliers, casual visitors or, in the case of this particular document, passing users of the World-Wide Web.
This statement does not replace common sense, and in no case will reference to it be accepted as an excuse for actions leading to accident or injury. It is published in a spirit of good intention and can be taken as an invitation to discussion.


Under United Kingdom legislation, employers and employees alike must ensure that they make themselves aware of, and take seriously, their responsibilities for the health and safety of themselves, their colleagues at work and others with whom they come into contact in the course of their work.


Inline Filters and its employees and servants will use their best endeavours to comply with all applicable Health and Safety legislation.
The failure of any employee to meet the standards set down by the law and to apply common sense with regard to safe working practices will be treated as a serious breach of discipline and of contract.
You are responsible for taking action to prevent, and for bringing to the attention of the Proprietor, any shortcoming in safety standards, any potentially dangerous situation, any dangerously faulty equipment. Co-operation from the workforce and good communication at all levels is vital in these matters.


Some items and products in the workplace can be hazardous. These include:

You may wish to add to the list anything else to which you are likely to be exposed in your work.
Driving a motor vehicle on the public highways is the most hazardous occupation that one can undertake in peacetime. Employees driving vehicles on the order of Inline Filters are required to ensure that they and their vehicle comply with the law. Particular attention must be paid to the condition of the vehicle (including but not limited to the condition of tyres, brakes, lights and steering) the fitness of the driver to drive, speed limits and other instructions, other road users and especially the more vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians.
Other hazards range from fire to crushing by heavy weights to long-term health damage by exposure to harmful materials, radiation, sound etc.
Make sure that you are always fully aware of the primary hazards at your place of work and do not relax your vigilance for other hazards. You must be properly trained to operate certain equipment. You must not operate such equipment without the proper training. Lifting equipment and power tools are notable examples.
Literature is available which describes the hazardous content of all products stocked by Inline Filters. The literature details any treatment necessary if such hazardous materials come into contact with the skin or are ingested.


Fire drills are carried out at random and without warning.
You can die in a small fire in 10.5 seconds.


Exit signs are Green and are clearly visible.
Keep fire exit routes clear.
Do not stop to collect personal belongings, clothing etc.
Risk of injury is increased by running. Do not run out of the building unless pursued by fire.
If you are on the telephone, terminate the call immediately by promptly hanging up.
Employees will assemble at the ‘Assembly Point’ which is just inside the premises gate by the main road.
When everyone is assembled a check should be carried out by the Senior Person present to make sure that there is no one left in the building. Unless it is a drill, the Senior Person should arrange to call the Fire Brigade.
No one must re-enter the building until instructed that it is safe to do so by the Senior Person or by an officer of the Fire Services.


Smoking is a health hazard and a fire hazard. By law smoking is not permitted in the workplace or in any vehicle operated by Inline Filters.


The consumption of alcohol or non-prescription drugs in the workplace is forbidden. It is a serious breach of discipline to be at work whilst under the influence of drink or a drug.
Certain prescription and non-prescription preparations (for example some anti-histamines taken for hay fever) can cause drowsiness or otherwise impair your ability to carry out your duties safely. If you are affected you must not report for work.


Our policy is to break whenever an opportunity presents itself. This reduces the risk of repetitive strain injuries and other movement-restricting complaints. In addition it is conducive to a happier working environment. Beverages are provided free of charge by Inline Filters which can be taken as proof of intent.


If an accident results in serious injury, dial 999 and ask for an ambulance to be sent to attend to the casualty.
If an injury is not sufficiently serious to warrant calling an ambulance, the casualty should be taken without delay to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department of a hospital.
Any head injury (including eye injury) must be treated as a serious injury and professional help must be obtained.The nearest Accident and Emergency Department is Liskeard Community Hospital, Tel. 01579 335600


A First Aid Kit and First Aid manual are available. Make sure that you know where they are (write this down in the space below) and that you know how to use them. This means that you need to read the manual NOW. Do not wait until there is an accident, you might be the casualty.
The First Aid Kit is located in the Goods Out area of the main warehouse.


This document does not pretend to be a First Aid manual.
If you have a casualty, you may have to act instantly to save a life. The first things to look out for are:
Your Own Safety – You are no help to anyone if you become another casualty.
Airway – Is the casualty’s airway clear? If not, clear it immediately.
Breathing – Is he/she breathing? Commence mouth-to-mouth.
Circulation – Does he/she have a pulse/heartbeat?
Do not move a badly injured person unnecessarily, but if it is necessary to avoid further danger take care to cause no further harm to the injured person nor any harm to yourself.
Casualties are helped by having someone with them to reassure them. Send someone for help. Leave the casualty only if you are yourself in danger OR to summon help and you are the only person able to do that. An unconscious casualty should be carefully observed to ensure that he does not choke.
SERIOUS bleeding must be stopped but most wounds will not cause enough blood loss to be life-threatening. Misguided treatment often does more harm than good. Read the Manual.


Contact the Proprietor.
Accidents resulting in personal injury, however minor they may seem, are to be reported immediately to the Proprietor for entry in the accident book. Subsequently these will be reported under the RIDDOR Act 1985 if necessary.


Avoid the build-up of rubbish and dust under benches, in corners etc. It is a serious fire risk.


The Warehouse Manager has overall responsibility for the safety of personnel in warehouse areas and for the safe use, operation and maintenance of tools and equipment in those areas.
Training for employees in warehouse areas is the responsibility of the Warehouse Manager.


Protective equipment is available if required for any operation. Wear footwear which will give reasonable protection.
Injuries caused by dropping heavy weights are all too common. Wear suitable clothing. Loose fitting or flowing clothing can be dangerous under certain circumstances, such as when using power tools and machinery.
Wear high-visibility clothing in situations where there may be a risk that you will not be seen.
Jewellery can be dangerous, for example it may become entangled with machinery (shredders are a rarely considered hazard) or it may enter electrical equipment and make contact with components carrying dangerously high voltages.
Wear eye protection when using any item which may cause flying debris, sparks etc. Metal and polymer banding is often used on pallets. This can be dangerous when cut, as great tension is released. The ends of the banding will fly rapidly apart and can cause injury.


The handling of heavy goods can be dangerous if not done correctly.
Avoid lifting if it is practical. Avoid back injury by using safely the equipment provided. Make several trips rather than carry too much in one trip.
If you need help, get help!
Use trucks, trolleys etc. with caution. With a hydraulic pallet truck especially it is easy to create enough momentum in a pallet to crush someone, or to lower a tonne of goods onto your foot. These things are not toys. Do not ride on them.
Parcels, boxes etc must never be stacked in a manner likely to cause injury and damage by toppling over.
Except in an emergency, do not run in any work area.
Never climb on shelves. Use the ladders or steps provided. Make sure that equipment used for climbing (such as ladders and steps) is in good condition and securely sited in use.


Customers and suppliers are strictly not allowed into Warehouse areas unless accompanied by a member of staff.


Knives for cutting packaging etc should be stored on the shelving provided.
Power tools are not to be used without proper training and authorization from the Proprietor.
Guards must always be in place during operation. Never override safety interlocks.


Warehouse areas are to be kept clean and tidy, floors swept and all traffic areas are to be kept clear of obstructions.


Whether fixed or not, all tools, equipment and vehicles must be properly maintained. In some cases a written log is required.
Report any faults to the Proprietor.


Fire extinguishers are serviced yearly. A log and reports are kept available for inspection in the main office.


Drivers are responsible for daily routine checks on vehicle tyres, brakes, steering, lights, fuel etc. The reports are kept in the Vehicle Log Books which are held by your manager. Report any defects to your manager and be aware of the need for servicing based on the vehicle’s usage.
Your manager is responsible for the scheduled maintenance of vehicles. Report to him if you believe that a service may be imminent or overdue.


Do not assume that it is safe to touch anything in any area which may normally be charged with electricity just because power has failed in another area. There are three distinct electrical supplies to each building (so called `three phase’ power) and one phase may be live even if both of the others are not. Different areas of buildings are served by different supplies running from a single phase. These supplies are individually protected with overcurrent trips and other devices. If a trip is open on one supply the other supplies may still be dangerous.
Under the wrong circumstances, even thirty-two Volts can kill.


These should be reported to the Proprietor.
In the event of a power cut, computer power is provided for at least 10 minutes from uninterruptible power supplies. The uninterruptible power supplies and the computers which they feed must not normally be switched off without following the proper system shutdown procedures. Terminals and consoles may be switched off at any time without risk to information.
Loss of information is of no importance compared to loss of life.
In the event of an emergency involving electricity supplied by an uninterruptible power supply it’s output must be switched off without delay and before any attempt is made to take other emergency action.
This is because the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) continues to give a dangerous electrical output even in the absence of power from the grid. A person in contact with electrical power from this source will not be protected by Residual Current Devices (RCDs) because these only switch off the incoming power. If you must attempt to rescue an individual who is at risk from this power source, first try to switch off the output from the UPS. If this is not possible within a short time, make sure that you do not become another casualty. Use any insulating item such as an article of dry clothing or a piece of wood or plastic to avoid risk of electrical shock to yourself.


Power cords (cables) are usually the parts most vulnerable to damage. Ensure that they are in good condition. They must be secured clear of traffic etc. The correct type and rating of fuse must always be used. If in doubt consult your manager and always draw attention to any damage or fault.
A suspicion reported may be a fire prevented may be YOUR LIFE saved.
Do not overload electrical sockets. Do not obstruct them, they should be in clear view so that any imminent danger (damage, excess heat) is immediately visible.
Almost all electrical equipment generates sufficient heat to become a hazard if not adequately ventilated. Some items such as photocopiers and fax machines heat internal parts which can be exposed during the changing of toner cartridges etc. Take care not to be burnt.
Do not leave electrical heaters switched on unattended. Ensure that there is no fire risk from an overheating appliance nor from combustible materials in the vicinity. Do not impede the heat flow from any heating appliance because this may cause damage to the appliance or even a fire.
Warehouse space heaters have air INTAKES as well as outlets. Do not obstruct either and do not allow them to collect debris. Heat may damage goods to the point where the goods themselves are unsafe to use. Do not store goods near to heaters or where they may be affected by heat. Place fireguards in front of space-heaters when in use.
Ensure adequate ventilation when using photocopiers, fax machines, laser printers etc. Use an extractor fan where possible.


Do not permit the build-up of rubbish, it may attract vermin.
The Proprietor is responsible for liaising with the warehouse manager for laundry, cleaning supplies and equipment.
Floors, carpets etc are to be cleaned/disinfected regularly according to requirements. Toilet and kitchen areas are to be cleaned and disinfected thoroughly as required. All staff including management are responsible for these areas.
Vermin are to be dealt with by poison, traps or by the local Environmental Health Officer as appropriate.


If you are attacked by thieves, don’t be brave. Give them anything they want, including cash. Try to remember as much detail as possible about the attacker(s) to help the police with their enquiries later.
Do not take risks.


The places of work, working practices and this statement will be reviewed from time to time as circumstances require.


As required by law we keep our Health & Safety Policy version history on file. In case of arbitration these will always be available to view.

Version: 080401
Version: 120401
Version: 150401
Version: 170401
Version: 190401
Version: 210401
Version: 220221


Version: 220221

Health & Safety Management
Inline Filters